Are Lab Grown Diamonds Real Diamonds?
A lab-grown diamond is a real diamond. It doesn’t differ from an earth-created diamond except for how it came into being. Grown by scientists instead of created in the earth’s crust, lab-grown diamonds are real diamonds.
They display the same chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds and appear identical to natural diamonds to the unaided eye and typically require testing by a laboratory with advanced instruments to be identified.
Lab-grown diamonds look and feel just like natural diamonds. They’re available in all shapes and sizes. If you had a lab-grown diamond and a natural diamond in front of you - a lab-grown diamond is indistinguishable from an earth-created diamond. Lab-grown diamonds also have inclusions, the tiny flaws in virtually every earth-created diamond.
Compared to an earth-created diamond, there are no chemical, optical, or physical differences in a lab-grown diamond.
The key difference between Lab-Grown Diamonds and Earth Diamonds is how they were created.
Lab-Grown Diamonds have the same chemical components found in natural diamonds (carbon atoms arranged in a specific pattern). However, they are created in a laboratory instead of being formed deep in the earth’s crust.
"Like natural diamonds, they are made of tightly-bonded carbon atoms. They respond to light in the same way and are just as hard as natural diamonds. The main differences between laboratory-grown and natural diamonds lie in their origin. Think of it this way: laboratory-grown diamonds are like ice from your refrigerator, while natural diamonds are like ice from a glacier. They are both ice, although their formation stories and the age of each are very different." GIA.
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